i bought him with my life savings…
pounds of flesh, pink and pure.
since then, i have waited, poised on brittle brinks,
cliffs of unending descent…
you always at the bottom of teacups, dreams…
i have been bound, gagged by your
ceaseless wisdom, your kindness which strangles,
hardening the blood in my head…
into nights i have soared, wrapped only
in you…the filter of your voice,
your fear encased in cellophane…
i have been seduced by golden rings;
steel bands in your gray shadows…
violated by your ageless doubt…
but it is gone, now, air sucked from the eye,
tucked into the folds of aging flesh…
reach now for my calloused hands;
they harden with the knowledge i offer;
you will shrink from my touch…
my stampede tramples you, hooves
echo the mind you buried with my soul,
with the unveiling…
his eyes now cleanse you of doubt,
as he sees you, undisguised by me…
sees you turn,
aged, beaten, consumed with longing
you cannot mask with delicacy,
the claws of your hesitancy…
his eyes, his eyes…my love,
will always mirror the naked
astonishment of your greatest fear….
ja allen
pounds of flesh, pink and pure.
since then, i have waited, poised on brittle brinks,
cliffs of unending descent…
you always at the bottom of teacups, dreams…
i have been bound, gagged by your
ceaseless wisdom, your kindness which strangles,
hardening the blood in my head…
into nights i have soared, wrapped only
in you…the filter of your voice,
your fear encased in cellophane…
i have been seduced by golden rings;
steel bands in your gray shadows…
violated by your ageless doubt…
but it is gone, now, air sucked from the eye,
tucked into the folds of aging flesh…
reach now for my calloused hands;
they harden with the knowledge i offer;
you will shrink from my touch…
my stampede tramples you, hooves
echo the mind you buried with my soul,
with the unveiling…
his eyes now cleanse you of doubt,
as he sees you, undisguised by me…
sees you turn,
aged, beaten, consumed with longing
you cannot mask with delicacy,
the claws of your hesitancy…
his eyes, his eyes…my love,
will always mirror the naked
astonishment of your greatest fear….
ja allen
spectacular...just one word!!!
Thanks, Ron! Hoped somebody might be reading! jaa
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