a headlight flash,
a fist upon the knob,
a door reverberates…
releasing echoes of brass chains,
carefully woven days of secret promise
curl with slow flames in the walls,
smoking out hungry hours like spiders
to wrap the trapped fly who shed her wet
wings favoring silk cocoons….
a fist upon the knob,
a door reverberates…
releasing echoes of brass chains,
carefully woven days of secret promise
curl with slow flames in the walls,
smoking out hungry hours like spiders
to wrap the trapped fly who shed her wet
wings favoring silk cocoons….
the ax has not forgotten
in the shed behind the house;
it chops dead wood, by inches,
then feet…an arch and flash
of deadly edges, ever faster,
fed by the assurity of an end;
the frame is consumed by limits
of the steel head,
the heaves and grunts splinter
retaining walls;
inside, animals chew
the vital tapestry,
stirred by unsilence,
with no respect for waiting, for certainty…
the ashen hands flutter in
unaccustomed white, unable to grasp
scattered reflections…
unnatural images distorted by glaring rays,
broken on uneven surfaces…
unable to block the inevitable threads of silver
light bordering on insatiable darkness within…
the mucilage stretches only so far,
not far enough for the hands behind the ax.
battered, the door falls,
no ear, no eye, it is eaten from within.
legs scurry to the corner, begging to be forgotten…
the black pulp of madness has been split,
severed from frantic time,
the ax does not forgive the center,
frugal dwelling in recessed light…
the barren dust beneath the bed has
bred time to steel…
there is no escaping into eternity…
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