Wednesday, January 7, 2009

escape into you...

your eyes lift slowly
to meet mine…aware
at last of the urgency of the hour…
as minutes tick in rhythm to my heart,
i can no longer swallow, sinking…
until you meet my gaze and
smile patiently gesturing me forward
with a crooked finger

i fly at you after
yearning all day…finally it
is time…you move like silk
around me, peeling away layer upon layer…
brushing your cool hand across my body;
caressing me until I feel ice water shock…

in the hot spray of the shower i
wait for your embrace, feeling
the chill of your fingertips along
my spine…and the soft heat of your body
pressing me against the cool porcelain.
i weep softly as you cover me,
stretching my arms high above my head,
teasing me deliciously with your tongue…

but again you make me wait
even as i plead, trembling—imploring
you…you kiss my eyelids and tip my head back,
kissing my mouth until I can no longer stand.
sweeping me into your arms
you deposit me onto the bed…

where i sink into silver memory
down into our sanguine melody…
as you enter me, i gasp and clutch the edge,
finding your mouth, tender, soft and probing…
i feel myself diminish
growing smaller against your power…

i reside inside your sensuality,
i recede into your subtle psyche
where you absorb my essence
and incorporate my resistance into you…
slowly i fade away until only you
exist, inexorable, supreme, undying
on the threshold of my dreams…

escape into you…
ja allen

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