an after-thought at the end of the day
once important matters are put to rest...
an image just outside visional range
captured out of the corner of an eye...
a glimpse recalled as the cat stretches and settles at the
foot of the bed ready for slumber...
circling three times before she finally
settles within the recesses of white cotton...
recognizing serenity has overtaken conquest
and time for aggression has ceased...
a fleeting recollection as darkness descends,
after thanking God for another day...
praying for promises yet to be granted allotting peace
in the aftermath of longing...
before the thought dies and memory shuts down...
do only the promises whispered in your ear or
written in blood matter?
what of those unspoken devotions delivered to you
as acts of kindness and gentle entreaties...
what of tender pleas breathed into silent pillows?
an undercurrent of sighs and silent tears...
the shudder of understanding as the light blinks out
with only shards of darkness to nestle against...
as the wind pesters the awning
and the terrible moon shadows the barren path...
the universal sound reverberates in the silkened bonds
that could not hold against indifference...
her ancient cries wailed, ripped from her soul into the wind,
oh god, oh god, please, let him love me...
blown back into cold corners where no arms could reach,
mocking modular distress arranged in musical encores,
sung over and over again as her head rocks back and forth
in her nightly dance of denial suborned in darkness,
as she begins to claw at the night demanding succor from pain
staring down the ignoble past leading her here
where she pays for impossible sins against imagined hosts
as love is forbidden again and again;
she holds the edge another moment before she sets it down
and shuts the drawer praying for a word, a gesture...
a patch of warmth to bring satisfaction in solitude once again....
the night denies her request for solace,
the emptiness permeates her cover and her blood turns cold
as it courses her mind one last time...
je suis by ja allen
prism gates